Which method is better,manual cleaning or laboratory glassware washer cleaning?

In the laboratory,the cleaning of lab glassware is an essential work.However,for the cleaning of lab glassware,there are two methods:manual cleaning and laboratory glassware washing machine cleaning.So,which method is better?Next,let’s compare them one by one.
1.Manual cleaning
Manual cleaning of laboratory bottles is the most primitive cleaning method,which requires tools such as brushes,cleaning agents and water.The advantage of manual cleaning is that it is easy to operate,low in cost,and can clean every corner of bottle to ensure through cleaning.
However,the disadvantage of manual cleaning cannot be ignored.First of all.manual cleaning is time-consuming and laborious.For some large quantities of laboratory bottles,manual cleaning is unrealistic.Secondly,manual is difficult to achieve complete sterility.For laboratories that need to conduct high-en experiments,manual cleaning cannot meet the requirements.
2.Laboratory bottle washer
Laboratory bottle washer cleaning bottles is a new cleaning method that has emerged in recent years.It uses high water pressure,cleaning agent spray cleaning and other technologies to clean a large number of bottle in a short period of time,and the cleaning effect is more through and hygienic.
The advantages of laboratory bottle washing machine are efficient,sterile,time saving,and can ensure that each bottle can reach a certain cleaning standard,At the same time,the level of intelligence of the laboratory bottle washer is getting higher and higher,and it can automatically distinguish the bottle quantity information,so as to make corresponding cleaning operations.
To sum up, there are advantages and disadvantages between cleaning bottles and dishes by hand and laboratory bottle washer, and it needs to be selected according to the actual situation of the laboratory. If the number of bottles is small and the experimental requirements are not high, manual cleaning is a good choice; if the number of bottles is large and the cleaning effect is high, the laboratory bottle washing machine is a more suitable choice. Of course, no matter which cleaning method is used, the thoroughness and sanitation of the cleaning must be ensured to ensure the accuracy of the experimental results.

Post time: Jun-03-2023